Super chuffed to win Highly Commended with my work ‘Alienated Tarago Landscape’ sponsored by curator and artist Julia Martin at the National Paddington Art Prize for Australian Landscape last night. What a crowd! Such an incredible exhibition of Australian talent you must get out to see.
Heartfelt thanks goes out to Paddington Art Prize sponsors Chris Antico and Marlene Antico AOM founder and co-sponsor. Also big thanks to Pia Antico for all her help assisting the organisation of such a mammoth event. Thank you to Julia Martin for being so fond of my work. Her lovely words can be found in the finalist announcement speeches.
Thank you also to the esteemed judges Jackie Dunn (Senior Curator of Exhibitions AGNSW, Ian Grant (artist) and Sasha Grishin AM, FAHA Emeritus Professor ANU
And lastly, thank you to lovely Rebecca Brady from Rathenart Printing who assisted me in the reproduction of my work for my creation.
PLEASE JOIN ME along with the other National finalists on Saturday October 12th 2-3pm Art Leven Gallery Redfern with the incredible Radio presenter & co-host and producer of TV program Antiques Roadshow DownUnder Claudia Chan Shaw who is hosting selected winners and finalists in conversation at the Gallery. The artist talk will also be live-streamed on socials.
Hope to see you there!
I’m pleased to announced that my work will be featured amongst a fantastic lineup of female Australian contemporary artists in the upcoming group exhibition 'KALOSKAGATHOS' curated by Diana Palmer at Post Space Exeter, and I must say, I couldn’t be more thrilled to be working with her.
Post Space, Exeter presents ‘Kaloskagathos’, an exhibition bringing together works by contemporary Australian artists who explore, embrace or challenge the classical artistic tradition. Drawing inspiration from renowned works of literature, history, mythology and cultural traditions to explore the themes of feminism, motherhood, domesticity and the goddess, these artists works, in varying ways, embody the power and majesty of female sexuality whilst subverting the classical idea that promoted the supremacy of the male form.
Featuring Jedda-Daisy Cullen, Louisa Chircop, Belynda Henry, Solomon Kammer, Sophy Reynolds, Mirra Whale and Hayley West and spanning different materials and formats - painting, sculpture, installation, photography and drawing - these artists come together looking at the relics of the enduring preoccupation of greek art with the human form as well as contemporary art’s ongoing relationship with the classical past.
The term ‘Kaloskagathos’, combines two adjectives, with kalos designating outward, and agathos — inward perfection. It is an abstract concept, unreal in its varied ideals and yet a word that correlates to a system of values that represents the development of any human society, a social, ethical and aesthetic assesment criteria. In the Symposium, Plato explicitly warns against becoming fixated on the beauty of the body. Instead, he argues that the energy released by the sight of the gorgeous figure needs to be channeled to a desire for a deeper beauty – that of the soul, of the good, of the divine.
Through a series of pairings and juxtapositions, alternatively dramatic and understated, the exhibition ‘Kaloskagathos’, aims to provoke conversations between the classical traditions of femininity, beauty and power; as history provides us a record, and from it one basic, inescapable, and ultimately unconscionable truth stands out: the ideals women are asked to embody, regardless of culture or continent, have been hammered out almost exclusively by men.
essay excerpt
Diana Palmer, 2024
Please join us on us Saturday 10 February 2024 2-5pm at Post Space Exeter for the opening of KALOSKAGATHOS a group show including
View exhibition catalogue and essay here
Please contact (link) Diana Palmer Exhibition and Acquisition Consultant for artwork for enquiries
Please note Solomon Kammer's inclusion in this exhibition is courtesy of her incredible representative gallery Yavuz Gallery, Surry Hills @yavuzgallery @maxhomaei
All celebratory drinks courtesy of @merrigangs_ and @stmaurwines
#artconsultant #artconsultancv #dianapalmer #palmerproiects #postspace #exeter #southernhighlands #groupexhibition #femaleartists #women #kaloskagathos #contemporaryart #painting #ceramics #mixedmedia #australianartists
Exhibition invite
PUBLISHED - 170+ page Accompanying Digital Catalogue for 'In the arms of unconsciousness - Women, feminism and the surreal'
Our 170+ page digital catalogue for our exhibition ‘In the arms of unconsciousness - Women, Feminism and the Surreal’ curated by Carrie Kibbler at Hazelhurst Arts Centre is now live on Hazelhurst Art Centre’s website! 💗 So special to have this accompanying text featuring twenty two of Australia’s significant female artists with important essays written by an incredible all female crew…Courtney Kidd, Chloe Wolifson and Kathleen Linn. With heartfelt thanks for your wonderful essays 🙏
It looks fantastic! Huge thanks to assistant curator Naomi Stewart who designed the whole catalogue and Carrie Kibbler for all her dedication and hard work.
Lovely to be mentioned in Carrie’s opening introduction with my artwork featured on the right. So thrilled!
See link:
The exhibition has been extended due to popular demand and continues…
Currently showing @hazelhurstartscentre as part of ‘In the arms of unconsciousness - Women, feminism and the surreal’ curated by Carrie Kibbler. A landmark first cross-generational exhibition that brings together 22 leading and significant female Australian artists together to examine feminism and the surreal until 10th September.
📸 @silversalt_photography
#digitalcatalogue #catalogue #artswriter #artessays #chloewolifson #courtneykidd #kathleenlinn #feminism #australianart #womenartists #surrealism #surreal #art #inthearmsofunconsciousness #artcollector #contemporaryart #womeninart #women #hazelhurstartscentre #hazelhurstgallery #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #malteseaustralianartist #landmarkexhibition #arttext #artbook #issuu