Very pleased to announce I’ll be having my debut international solo exhibition ‘Shadow Sanctuary’ with the lovely Maria Galea Gallery owner and Art Advisor of Marie Gallery5 in Sliema Malta opening 3rd Nov 7.30pm. Please feel free to come along.

Maria is a passionate advocate for artists and unstoppable force in the Arts industry in Malta/Europe representing Maltese and international talent. As a Maltese Australian artist I’m super excited and proud to be working with her and looking forward to my upcoming exhibition soon.

…”Just as the the moon needs the sun to reflect light, I need the moon to cast my shadow."…

Louisa Chircop

'Shadow Sanctuary' by Louisa Chircop invites viewers on an evocative journey into the profound depths of the artist's conceptual realm. Chircop's oeuvre is a contemplative fusion of personal experiences, art history, and the intricate tapestry of psychological phenomena. Within this exhibition, each artwork serves as a portal, unlocking the enigmatic "shadows of the self," as guided by Chircop's subconscious wanderings within her inner sanctum, intimately intertwined with her Maltese Australian heritage.

Chircop's artistic inquiry transcends conventional boundaries, daring to explore the intricate facets of the human condition-pain, pleasure, guilt, and shame. Her exploration delves into an innovative interpretation of religious sexuality, an intersection where the sacred and the profane merge to construct a deeply personal tantra. This fusion is a vibrant celebration of the terrestrial, the cosmic, and the spiritual-a form of contemporary self-devotion that venerates the Earth, the universe, and spirituality. Amidst the encompassing corporeal darkness, fragments of illumination emerge, unveiling metamorphosed, reinvented, hybrid, and reborn iterations of the artist herself. This creative rebirth finds its genesis in Chircop's immigrant European lineage, rooted in the resolute traditions of medieval antiquity.

3rd - 22nd November
For more information

#contemporaryart #exhibition #artreel #exhibitionposter #austrailanart #artsydney #malta #gallery #collector #internationalartist #malteseaustralianartist


Feeling the Christmas spirit and feeling very special to be included in ‘Exposition Noël_001’ at Galerie Heimat in Saint-Rémy Provence France, the village town where Van Gogh made it famous. Curated by the ever so lovely and beautifully spirited Alexandra Chiara director of this stunning commercial gallery in the heart of Provence. She has brought together nine artists (painters, sculptors and jewellery makers) both locally and internationally from France, Germany, China, Finland and me from Australia. It touched me that she was so excited to welcome me as her first ever Australian artist from wayyyy down under! and be representing me in this exhibition. I wish I could be there for the opening but I’ll be seeing you all again in 2020 when I will be doing my residency. Exhibition opens Saturday 7th December. The exhibition continues until the 11th January 2020. Gallery Hours Thursday - Sunday 11am - 7pm. JOYEUX NOËL !

‘Mange moi, bois moi, aime-moi’ (Eat me, drink me, love me), mixed media and photomontage on paper 51cm x 40.5cm

‘Mange moi, bois moi, aime-moi’ (Eat me, drink me, love me), mixed media and photomontage on paper 51cm x 40.5cm


I’m very excited to be heading back to Eygalières in Provence France this month. After having finished a residency that I won with NG Art Creative Residency Program last November championed by the wonderful Nicky Ginsberg. I’m finally making the pilgrimage back to where it all started for the opening and vernissage of ‘Connexions Silencieuses’ an International Group Exhibition of artists from around the globe. I’m very proud to be showing amongst an amazing cohort of International talent including other wonderful fellow Australian artists and will be giving an artist talk as part of their public programs on the 5th of May 4-5pm at the 800 year old Elise Saint Laurent where the exhibition will be staged. If you are in France or heading to Provence you are very welcome to attend the opening and talks. Bisous!

Credit: Matthew Robertson

Credit: Matthew Robertson

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