I’m over the moon and so grateful to make it to the semi finalists for the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize 2019. What an honour to be selected amongst this fine bunch of Australian talent. The judges of the 2019 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize are artist and 2013 DMNPP winner Nigel Milsom, Director of the Ian Potter Museum of Art at the University of Melbourne, Kelly Gellatly, and Peter Moran, Managing Director of the Moran Health Care Group.  Peter’s parents Greta and Doug Moran established the Moran Arts Foundation in 1988. (See Judges comments below).

Judge Nigel Misom: “If portraiture is one of the means used to communicate our individuality, connection to each other, and the world around us, look no further than the 2019 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize Semi-Finalists. The variety and scope of the selected portraits are vast, yet they all seem to share a commonality, that is, the painter and subject have united to share in the ‘magic’ of creativity.”

Judge Kelly Gellatly: “While the sheer volume of entries to this year’s Doug Moran Portrait Prize was initially overwhelming, it was a privilege to experience such a breadth of contemporary portraiture and to be able to get a glimpse into how some of Australia’s most talented artists are currently exploring, and pushing, the genre.  For the judges, the shortlisted artists collectively demonstrate the way in which portraiture can and should be much more than the sheer skill of capturing of a likeness. The power of portraiture instead manifests from the almost intangible coming together of artist and subject; a tension or ‘rub’ that encourages the viewer to remain with a work and to return to it time and again, well beyond the initial moment of recognising the subject.”

The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize…

Founded by Doug & Greta Moran and family in 1988, the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize (DMNPP) is an annual Australian portrait painting prize supporting Australian artists.  The prize has encouraged both excellence and creativity in contemporary Australian portraiture by asking artists to interpret the look and personality of a chosen sitter, either unknown or well known.  With a first prize of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) it is Australia’s richest art prize.

Finalists announced - 16 Oct

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Since 2001 The Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award has been a significant national biennial exhibition that aims to elevate the status of works on paper while supporting and promoting artists working with this medium. So thrilled to be a finalist this year with my work ‘Fright and Delight-Bundanon’, a work that was inspired when I was artist-in-residence at Bundanon Trust last year. Congratulations and best wishes to all artists who are finalists. This will be an amazing exhibition.

Exhibition launch and announcement of award recipients will be held on Friday 20th Sept 6pm at Hazelhurst Gallery.

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Very happy to be included in this exhibition at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre with works featured from over the last five years sourced from private collections. Exhibition launch event on Saturday 18 May (2-4pm) All Welcome.

"Drawing from iconic and classical images of the Madonna and Child (created mostly by men), artists in Everyday Madonna respond to the ideas of motherhood from their own perspective”.

18 May 2019 - 30 Jun 2019 | 9.00am - 4.00pm

Everyday Madonna features works by these artists: Eddie Abd, Linda Brescia, Louisa Chircop, Karla Dickens, Mona Ibrahim, Nicole Monks, Susan O’Doherty, Pamela Rodoreda, Marikit Santiago, Rokeya Sultana.

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RECIPIENT - Georges River Council Artist-in-Residence 2020

It’s still some time away but I’m very pleased to have been recently awarded this fabulous artist residency with Hurstville Museum and Gallery for Carrs Park Cottage to create work for my next upcoming project in 2020. Thank you so much to Hurstville Museum and Gallery and Georges River Council for this fantastic opportunity. See more

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