What an honour to be selected as a finalist amongst such an amazing line up of Australian artists with my work ‘Bush Embrace - Pulpit Rock Bundanon’ in this year’s Paddington Art Prize. The exhibition of national finalists will be exhibited at Defiance Gallery Paddington Sydney and the winners will be announced on Thursday 14 October 2021 with the exhibition open from the 15th October until to Sunday 24 October 2021 .
Congratulations to all the finalists! and a huge thank you to the highIy esteemed panel of judges Katherine Roberts Senior Curator at Manly Art Gallery & Museum, Tim Allen Visual Artist and Winner of the 2017 Paddington Art Prize and Steven Alderton Director and CEO of the National Art School for selecting my work. I cannot wait to see their selection.
See selected finalists here
The Paddington Art Prize is a $30,000 National acquisitive prize, awarded annually for a painting inspired by the Australian landscape. Established in 2004 by Arts Patron, Marlene Antico OAM, this National prize takes its place among the country’s most lucrative and highly coveted painting prizes.
The prize encourages the interpretation of the landscape as a significant contemporary genre, its long tradition in Australian painting as a key contributor to our national ethos, and is a positive initiative in private patronage of the arts in Australia.
Marlene Antico OAM, created the Prize in order to assist with the monetary difficulties that often impede artists from showcasing their works. As an art student, gallery owner and volunteer guide at the AGNSW for over 10 years, she has underscored her commitment to supporting contemporary Australian artists, aware, of the financial concerns that prevent many artists from devoting themselves entirely to their art practice.
In 2017, Chris Antico, Marlene’s son joined as Principal Co-sponsor of the prize. The Paddington Art Prize appreciates the ongoing generosity of the following key sponsors and supporters: Marlene Antico OAM, Chris Antico, UNSW Art & Design, The Sydney Art Store, Sofala Cottage, Charvin Oils, Lucio’s Italian Restaurant, Defiance Gallery, Nock Art Foundation, Tracey Deep Floral Sculptures, Valiant Hire and Woollahra Municipal Council.
‘Bush Embrace - Pulpit Rock Bundanon’, Mixed media and photomontage on watercolour paper, 150cm x 100cm
Bush Embrace is about the Australian landscape during the pandemic. The solitude and the longing for company and simple contact. Like giving a hug (something we’ve all missed). This interplay of mixed media with a subconscious painting approach exposes life and landscape at its most bittersweet.